Isaac Who Film Production Company

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Supporting Independent Film Production Companies

2020 was no doubt a tough year for everyone and 2021 continues to be challenging. From a film, TV and acting perspective, it's been particularly taxing since March 2020. With theatres and cinemas closed, productions more complicated to organise and funding stretched thin, independent films have had to do what they do best; get creative. But, even with the difficulties, we have continued to produce some amazing content for our clients as have many independent film production companies in the UK. With the UK lockdown currently loosening, we thought we'd share some thoughts on why it's so important to support the film industry at this time.

What makes independent film production companies different?

Film is one of the oldest media industries and a major global industry making billions each year. Within that industry, you have some very old and famous names like Disney and Universal Pictures. But you also have a huge amount of independent and boutique production companies creating amazing films, shows and documentaries for their audiences. Here are some of the reasons why independent film production companies need your support.

Unique Productions

The best thing about independent film companies is their focus on unique productions. Or perhaps it's their lack of focus on mainstream productions that makes them unique. Most of their productions do not follow the same formula as studio films. Instead, they can vary greatly in style, genre and themes. Independent films are often crafted to make the audience look at a certain topic from a unique angle or introduce them to a topic they may never have heard of. Films can feature challenging storylines that are more realistic. Shows can focus on characters you might not interact with on a daily basis. While documentaries welcome you into a totally unique world. It's this creativity that makes independent cinema so important and it's the reason we love what we do here at Isaac Who.


Independent film production companies gain capital from a much wider array of investors than the big studios. The majority of large production companies have established revenue streams that have been built for decades and they can get their productions in all major cinemas usually without issue. Merchandising is now a key part of a big film or TV series' revenue, especially with cinema sales dwindling (and that was even before the pandemic). Independent companies do not have the capital to create millions of pounds worth of merch or advertise as aggressively as the big studios. They therefore need support from other organisations and investors or from direct-to-customer productions. Distribution

Distribution is a big issue for independents and it's usually because of the financial issues mentioned above. Big studios have established distribution networks, not to mention the marketing budget to further reach audiences. Independents rely on their own networks within the industry, social media, networking through other studios and film festivals. Supporting them can be through watching their movies, but also by recommending them for work, voting for them in festivals or even just giving their recent social media post a like.

Support Performers and Artists

The majority of independent film companies have invested their time and effort into helping and highlighting the amazing talents we have in the UK and abroad. Independent film companies provide some actors, performers and artists with a route into this creative industry. Like all employees, sometimes all they need is a chance to prove themselves. Independents provide this chance for many. With many out of work from last year, supporting these film companies is another way to support individuals in the creative fields.

Support Isaac Who UK

If you are looking for any of the services we offer; showreels, corporate videos and boutique film production, get in touch. If you are reading this but not in the market, we would love any recommendations you have for friends and family that could utilise our services. Alternatively, give us a like or follow on any of our social media accounts; Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. We'd really appreciate it. Thanks for reading, and we look forward to all the amazing productions that are to come in 2021!