Assisted (2019)
Original Drama Film about Assisted Suicide
We are pleased to showcase our work on the short drama film, Assisted. A short but affecting piece on the anguish, confusion and debate around terminal genetic illnesses and assisted suicide. We are really proud to have worked on this piece with the amazing Psychotastic Productions. We provided the crew for sound and visuals along with all the post-production work and our own Jonny Dixon directed it.
The premise is simple enough, but it’s the performances that make this production so powerful. In the words of Psychotastic Productions the story is:
For years Michael avoided seeing his father as he found him a constant reminder of his own possible fate. Now with signs that his father’s genetic disease has been passed down to himself, he’s back to help take care of him in his final days. With his father bed-ridden and dying in pain, Michael is haunted by memories of him asking for assistance in his suicide.
Assisted is Part Two of Six short stories being produced by Psychotastic Productions. The stars of Assisted are the Full Monty’s Steve Huison and Coronation Street Star Steven Arnold. The script was written by Dustin Bowcott with Photography by Lee Hellwing and Make Up by Rebecca Jones.
Our Jonny talks about working with the team:
Psychotastic Productions were a pleasure to work with. From start to finish the team was friendly, professional and knew exactly what was happening. Overall the shoot was great and we can't wait to work with them again.
Assisted is currently doing the festival circuit and has been accepted by Cefalu Film Festival, The Lift Off Sessions LA and the Wow Film Festival, Tunisia.
Phoebe Research
All films created by Psychotastic Productions are dedicated to raising funds for The Phoebe Research Fund. 25% of all corporate backing has gone straight to Phoebe Research (Charity No. 1163875) researching a cure into Epidermolysis Bullosa.
9 year old Phoebe Crowson has Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (RDEB). This is a very rare hereditary illness that presents itself in a chronic skin condition in which the skin is delicate and will tear at the lightest touch, often with extensive blistering and wounds. This causes immense pain because of open wounds and has a high risk of infection. The linings of the mouth and the oesophagus (swallowing tube) are also fragile leading to problems with feeding and nutrition. Blisters and grazes are dressed with specialist dressings but are still incredibly painful so painkillers need to be used to alleviate discomfort. To date Phoebe has experienced six throat extensions.
The Phoebe Research Fund is a registered charity (1163875) and hopes to help sufferers by supporting their beneficiaries CURE EB (1158672) who facilitate essential research into this rare condition.
More coming Soon
We have been working closely with Psychotastic productions on other films, so check back soon to see more. If you are interested in producing your own original or short film, please get in touch with Isaac. Isaac prides itself on telling original and contemporary stories, working alongside many creatives within the industry and collaborating to make a variety of top quality films of all genres. We are always on the lookout for the next best thing in film and television. See our Originals page for more information or contact us today.