How to choose showreel scenes
Tips on which genres and locations to pick
A showreel is THE tool an actor needs to start getting roles, but what showreel scenes you include are vital to making it successful. In this article, we explain how to select the right showreel scenes for your actor showreel. This includes the type of scene, tips on getting the most out of it and some technical requirements to keep in mind. If you like this series, check out our showreel blog category or our latest article, Actor showreel advice you haven’t heard of.
Showreel Scenes: Tips on how to choose
Before you look at this section, read our other showreel basics articles, What is a showreel? and How to make a showreel, for more help and tips.
Choose the genre
If you don’t already have any scenes to select from previous work, then this gives you an excellent opportunity to select genres that suit you or the roles you desire. Here are a few tips on selecting showreel scene genres if you want to include two or three scenes.
Choose a variety of styles. Your actor showreel is a CV for casting agents, so you want to display your range and your talent. By choosing several genres, be it horror, drama, comedy etc., you can showcase the mastery of your craft.
Select genres that reflect your best work. If you love comedic roles, then select at least one scene in this genre. When we are passionate about the work we do it, it really shows. Utilise your passion and display your best work. There are other times to practice other styles, now is not the time if you don’t feel confident in your output.
Pick genres in the roles you want. Of course, you will be building a showreel to get a job. So it makes sense to choose scenes in genres in which you want to get a role. Like tailoring a cover letter to a job, your showreel should be tailored to the work you want.
Work opposite a good actor
While your work should be the focus of the showreel, it’s crucial that any actors you work opposite are of the highest calibre. There are several benefits to working with a quality actor in a showreel.
If you have good chemistry with the other actor, the actions you perform will be much better. You need to work hard with your own talents, but it’s so much easier with the support of a fellow colleague who knows what they are doing.
They won’t steal the focus. If you just get your mate to read lines, and they have no acting ability, you risk the showreel focusing on them. Contrary to the idea that they’ll make you look good, they will actually distract viewers from your efforts. Choose professional actors or talk to your showreel company about the cast they can provide.
Set the Scene
As with advice about fellow actors, you want your set to aid, not distract from, your work. Ensure your location is considered carefully and use it to your advantage.
Choose a location that fits your genre and style. Unless you're going for a quirky take on an old classic, familiar surroundings can ensure the focus remains on the actors in the scene. A horror set in the woods, a drama at home or a romantic reunion in an airport may all seem clique but they provide quick context for the casting audience.
Think about the details. If you can see it on camera, there must be a reason it’s there. From pictures on the wall to rubbish strewn on the coffee table, you need to think about what that says about my characters and this scene.
Make it the right length
We’ve actually written about the length of a showreel previously. Check out our article, How long should an actor’s showreel be?. In brief, an actor's showreel should be between 1 - 3 minutes long. This is the scope you are looking at. Less than 1 minute isn’t going to be sufficient time to showcase your talents. Too long and the casting director is going to get bored. Remember that many agents see hundreds of showreels weekly, so you want to make your preview short and snappy.
Film your showreel scene with Isaac Who showreel company
If you are a professional actor looking to strengthen your current portfolio, we can help you decide on the right showreel scenes. If you’ve been type-cast for a while, we can help you show off your versatility by creating something that’s got a real wow factor and pushes you into the right roles and jobs. Get in touch with the Isaac Who team today to find out how we work as a showreel company. Check out our actor showreel services here.